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It’s turkey time
Farm is only one in area to raise turkeys
Arlene Knudson
Ben Franklin, one of the U.S. founding fathers, “praised the turkey as ‘a bird of courage’ and a ‘true original native of America.”
On this Thursday, the bird will be on many Americans’ Thanksgiving Day table. In a survey conducted by the National Turkey Federation, nearly 88 percent of Americans said they eat turkey at Thanksgiving, and the federation estimates that 46 million turkeys—one fifth of the annual total of 235 million consumed in the United States—were eaten at Thanksgiving.
A small portion of those turkeys came from a local farm. Alan Crum and his older son Jeffry with some help from younger son Alex and daughter Liddy, raised 8300 turkeys on their farm in Ripley County. It’s located north of Delaware, but has a Sunman address. Their children attend Jac-Cen-Del schools. They got the one day old birds in July and August and raised them to sell in nearby Harrison, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan. The Crums said their commercial turkey operation is the only one in this area. According to Jeffry Crum, the nearest operation is in Jasper, Indiana.
Jeffry represents the fourth generation of the Crum family to be involved in the turkey operation. Besides turkeys, the Crum family raises cows, and pigs and they also do grain farming. But they get a kick out of knowing they had a hand in so many family holiday traditions, and wish all a Happy Thanksgiving. By the way, President Abraham Lincoln declared the final Thursday in November as a national day of thanksgiving. Congress finally made Thanksgiving Day an official national holiday in 1941.
Did you know that . . .
• Turkey gobbles can be heard a mile or more away and they are fast on their feet with a top running speed of about 25 miles per hour or about the same as a human track star.
• Tom turkeys average 35 pounds and the hens (females) average 24 pounds.
• The female does not gobble.
• Wild turkeys sleep in tree branches
• Wild turkeys can fly short bursts, but the domestic ones are too heavy to fly.
• Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird instead of the eagle because it was particular to our country.
Local Bulletin Board
Polar Plunge seeks sponsors
Special Olympics Indiana’s largest signature fundraising event, the Polar Plunge, has raised more than $3 million dollars since its inception in 2000.
The 18 Polar Plunges around the state feature 2,900 plungers braving the icy cold waters in Indiana, as they fundraiser to support athletes with intellectual disabilities. Over 5,000 spectators and volunteers watch as both individuals and teams in costumes jump in freezing water to participate in this incredible team-building, bucket-list challenge. Sponsorship opportunities for the Polar Plunge are available for companies that want to partner with Special Olympics Indiana. Contact Greg Townsend at 812-584-6861 or by email at
gtownsend@soindiana-rod.org, or visit
http://soindiana-rod.org/polarplunge-sponsors to download a sponsorship form.
Santa’s coming to Versailles
Versailles residents and guests can come visit with Santa on the Square on Saturday, Dec. 3. Santa arrives at 10 a.m. and there will be free pictures taken with Santa in the Lions building and hot chocolate served. There will also be goodie bags for the kids. A Live Nativity scene will be sponsored by the South Ripley Ministerial Association. There will also be caroling by local school groups at 10:30 a.m. The programs are sponsored by the Main Street Versailles group.
Public meeting for NMLRA
The National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) will be hosting a public meeting Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. in the NMLRA Education Building. This meeting is to discuss upgrades to the Walter Cline Range in connection to a Pittman-Robertson Federal grant request.