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Polar plungers don’t mind the cold water!
Special Olympics event goes off with a few snowflakes
Jared Rogers
The Ripley-Ohio-Dearborn (ROD) chapter of Indiana Special Olympics hosted its 2018 Polar Plunge at Versailles State Park on Saturday, February 17. “Plungers” who raised a minimum of $75 for the event braved 46 degree water on a snowy afternoon. Many fundraised in teams and enjoyed the experience together, along with local first responders who worked in the water to cheer participants on and ensure safety.
Pictured left, Milan High School was represented by 13 brave souls willing to take on the frigid water. Team members included: Ethan Paul, school resource officer Noel Houze, Tyler Walke, Tommy Bushelman, Mackinze Deffinger, Ben Starkey, Ethan Voss, Jessica Small-Summers, Margo Taylor, Kayla Jarrett, Annjeanette Laws, Melissa Lonneman, and Brady Stehlin.
The total amount raised for this year’s event is over $32,000. All proceeds raised benefit local Special Olympics athletes, giving them the means to train locally and to compete at the state level in a number of sports. Other activities during the day included a 5K run/3K walk, a costume contest for all ages, and a gift-basket raffle. The year 2018 is shaping up to be an important year for the ROD chapter. In addition to dozens of athletes participating in state-level games, four athletes are preparing for a trip to Seattle, Washington, to compete in national-level competition in the sport of powerlifting. Those athletes are: Charles Wilson, David Pau, Abby Kieffer, and Alex Kieffer. In total, 249 athletes from the ROD chapter participated in Special Olympic sports in 2017.
Cross display created by Versailles IGA owner
When you walk through the front door of the Versailles IGA and turn to the left, you can’t help but see the cross display made out of boxes of Coca-Cola®. They are fashioned in the shape of three crosses and draped with a purple cloth to remind everyone of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross this Easter season. Bob Wood, owner of the store, created the display that went up over the weekend and by Monday morning, February 19, had over 44,000 hits on Facebook. Many in the Christian community celebrated Ash Wednesday last week to kick off Lenten events.