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• Council looks to save money (front pg.)
• Easter services listings (pg. 10)
• On the Record [courthouse news] (pg. 9)
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March 22, 2016 • Headline News
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Church presents interactive Holy Week services

Sacrifice. Love. Hope.

Hopewell Baptist Church puts a very clear visual to that special Holy Week message on Good Friday. With over 120 people involved, the church located in Holton will present “Sound of the Nails” on Friday at 7 p.m. They’ve been doing so for over 10 years.

Interactive services at Hopewell Baptist Church

There were a number of vendors just as there might have been in Jerusalem. Aaron Adkinson, left, Holton, was in period costume along with Jim Stockard, Versailles.

The church started their Easter week offerings this past Sunday, Palm Sunday, with an interactive presentation. Church members dressed in period costume to give members and guests the idea of what the town was like back when Jesus walked the earth. There were animals, potters and breadmakers to welcome Jesus’ arrival by donkey.

The upcoming Good Friday reenactment begins with the trial of Jesus in the church sanctuary. Then the townspeople will follow Jesus, played by Director of Ministry Joe Deaton, as he walks a quarter of a mile, accompanied by Roman soldiers and angry townspeople, to his crucifixion. Three crosses, two for the thieves, have been erected. The church also built a tomb, to complete the Easter re-enactment. Hopewell Pastor Ty Choate says the visual packs a strong message, both in the heart and mind. “It’s an offering to the community to really experience what Jesus did for all humanity, that there was a cost and a price, and above all, to give us hope,” he said. At the beginning of the presentation, the visitors are handed a red rose. “We then ask people to think about what Jesus did and the impact of the cross, and to think of the hope of the tomb, and then to lay the rose at either the cross or tomb,” Choate said.
In prior years, Hopewell Church has been filled to capacity (700) on Good Friday, depending on the weather. The pastor advises attendees to get there by 6:30 for a seat for the trial. People from other churches are more than welcome to attend. He figures over a third of those in attendance are not Hopewell church members. The presentation takes about 90 minutes. On Thursday, the church holds a Maundy Tenebrae Service. As the words from the cross are read, candles are blown out, ending in dark when Jesus utters “It is finished.”

See the special Easter Services article on page 10 in today’s paper for information about other church Easter week services.

Council looks at ways to save money

Wanda Burnett

The Osgood Town Council met in regular session March 15 where they heard several business items, looking at possibly saving the town money, while updating their records.

Council members heard from Mitch Ripley and Suzy Bass of HR Unlimited Resources, who made a presentation on updating the town’s personnel policy, which hasn’t been done since 1996. They look at various items seeing where they could possibly save the town money through employee over time hours or comp time. Attorney John Ertel advised the council they should get a couple more quotes before making a decision. The matter was tabled.
Christina DeWitt, Umbaugh & Associates, was present to discuss refinancing the 1996 Sewer Bond. This could be a savings for the town. The town has a $1,140,000 bond with USDA at 4.5% interest. She explained if the amount is above 3% it’s probably worth looking into. DeWitt explained the process and the council noted they would take the information under advisement.

Toby Church of Commonwealth Engineers was at the meeting reporting the savings seen at the water plant. He noted that the preliminary engineer report will be completed in a few weeks, which will give the council more information to make decisions about. The Stormwater Grant for the Preliminary Proposal should be ready for the council to sign by April 1. Money is available for a project that would be considered health related and can be documented and photographed. Plans should be submitted for the Sidewalk Project to state Dept. of Transportation by March 25. A preliminary set of plans will be given to the Reynolds Foundation and the town for review.

The Lifetime Housing Group request for $11,000 in funds to help renovate homes in Osgood was denied. The council looked at the material presented at the February meeting and felt there were many factors to take into consideration regarding this request. Council tabled the request of the First Apostolic Church to hold a concert by the clock by the Osgood Primary Care building. Surveyor Jeff French requested Council to approve and sign an ownership and permission form for a historical marker to be placed at the intersection of County Road 300 N. and U.S. 421 for the Bilby Tower. It was noted the bill will be paid by the Surveyor Historical Society. Brittany Moore of Liberty National made a presentation to the Council concerning supplemental insurance for employees.

Marshal’s report
Marshal Eric Roush gave his report which included an incident where Deputy Marshal Larry Bewley had been spit on during an arrest. The individual spit in the officer’s face and later gave consent to be tested for Hepatitis B. The man was arrested for Resisting and Battery. Also, during this same arrest, the hood of the police cruiser was damaged. An estimate of $618 was submitted to have it fixed.

Local Bulletin Board

Deadline: April 1, 2016
Sheriff scholarships announced
Ripley Co. Sheriff Jeff Cumberworth announced that Indiana Sheriff’s Association would again be awarding college scholarships to qualified high school seniors or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice. For details pick up a copy of The Versailles Republican dated February 11 and read page 3.

Deadline: April 4, 2016
SEIRD announces student scholarship
The Southeastern Indiana Recycling District (SEIRD) is pleased to announce the 2015 - 2016 “Students Making an Environmental Difference Scholarship” for graduating high school seniors. For details pick up a copy of The Versailles Republican dated February 11 and read pg. 2.

Deadline: April 18, 2016

Dearborn County Hospital accepting scholarship applications

The Dearborn County Hospital Foundation is now accepting applications for its High School Senior Scholarship Program for the 2016-2017 school year. Scholarships of $500 each are presented by the DCH Foundation High School Senior Scholarship Program to area seniors who will be pursuing healthcare careers after graduation. To read the entire article, read page 6 of the Osgood Journal dated March 22.

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