Resource Conservation and
Development, Inc. (RC&D)
Historic Hoosier Hills is a Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) Area - a unique local/federal partnership. We are a non-profit, tax exempt corporation registered in Indiana and are a 501(c)3 organization by Internal Revenue Service determination. We are governed by a Board of Directors, local residents who determine the services that Historic Hoosier Hills provides. Our federal partner, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, provides a staff coordinator, office space, and related support to assist us in carrying out our Long Range Plan and Annual Plan of Work.
Historic Hoosier Hills RC&D, Inc., provides services to nine counties in Southeastern Indiana. The services are generally free and include:
Serving as a non-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)3 umbrella organization for citizen groups whose goals and objectives coincide with those of the Historic Hoosier Hills Corporation.
Serving as a platform for communities and volunteers to work together to improve the quality of life and economic viability of the region.
Providing assistance on community development issues by offering:
Organizational and planning facilitation.
Connection with an extensive networking system for information, technical help, financial assistance, and referral services.
Help to find funding, grant writing assistance, and providing grants administration in the non-profit sector.
Technical assistance through USDA agencies that is not available otherwise.
A tool for tying local, state, and federal government assistance together when beneficial to the project.
Assistance primarily in the natural resource arena and in related human resources. There are few other sources of help available to the public in this arena.
Assistance with plan development to help groups accomplish their objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Historic Hoosier Hills' service to Southeastern Indiana is successful because it provides residents with help they cannot get elsewhere. We provide the assistance of professional staff to the community and also serve as a vehicle to provide volunteer assistance. Local volunteer committees with their mix of talents and knowledge have the desire to make their communities better. Historic Hoosier Hills' service provides unbiased assistance and support while allowing the leadership to remain local, and helping local people to achieve realistic, community-minded goals.