council hears about dam problem
Karen Reynolds
Contributing Writer
Water coming from Versailles Street onto a homeowner's property
wiping out his dam was the first order of business at the Holton
Town Board meeting held March 10.
Town residents Gary and Jeff Wright presented their concerns about
a hole on Versailles Street and said that unrestrained water is
being dumped onto their property, into their lake from both the
railroad and the highway as well as weeds and cornstalks from
the nearby neighbors field.
The Wrignts said they have already had to rebuild the dam in their
lake and water is now gushing over the top of that dam. He said
he had been to a county council meeting and was advised to speak
to the town of Holton.
President Paul Hughes assured Gary Wright he would speak with
someone professionally who knows what to do before the next town
board meeting. In addition he said he would contact Wright before
the next meeting.
Ordinance 2011-05, an ordinance formalizing policies for employee
paid time off, was passed unanimously. The ordinance states that
holiday leave for full time employees of the town of Holton shall
be 8 hours of his/her regular pay, total of 80 hours, as paid
time off for 10 holidays as follows: New Years Day, Primary
Election, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day,
General Election, Thanksgiving Day and day after; Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day.
Vacation leave for a full time employee shall be granted after
completion of one full year of regular employment with the town
of Holton. This full time employee is entitled to five days of
vacation leave with pay during the year, total of 40 hours. After
three years of regular employment, a full time employee shall
be entitled to 10 days of vacation leave with pay during the year,
total of 80 hours. For a full time employee, sick leave will consist
of six days per year, and will be paid at the employees
current pay rate, total of 48 hours.
Paid time off is earned at a weekly rate. Employees will be allowed
to accrue a maximum of 120 hours of PTO, which may be carried
over from year to year. If an employee accrues more than 120 hours,
they must use the excess PTO to remain under the limit. Employees
may not receive pay in lieu of days off. If an employee dies,
resigns or is terminated on or after their anniversary date of
employment, the employee shall be entitled to payment for accrued
paid time off. Hours worked in excess of the normal 40 hour work
week shall be paid time off earned. Any ordinance or parts of
an ordinance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
This ordinance was effective as of March 10, 2011.
Clerk Treasurer Gretchen Moore, informed the board that Teresa
Brady with the USDA says the town is required to keep one years
reserve in bond money. Moore also shared that the town did get
a grant interview with the Rising Sun Regional Foundation, but
due to so many grant applications, the town of Holton will not
get as much grant money as they asked for. Moore also shared that
the sewer debt at this time is $32,597.00, which is the lowest
it has been in a while.
President Paul Hughes shared that needed repairs to the sewer
have been put on hold until the new grinder pumps come in.
The town of Holton will advertise locally in the town the need
of a person to clean the Holton Community Center at a rate of
$8.32 an hour with the stipulation it is on an as needed
basis. This means that the center will need to be cleaned after
each use. Applications will be accepted at the town hall or the
sewer office from March 14-March 28.
Approval was obtained to set up a credit card machine, on a six-month
trial basis, through the Napoleon State Bank. This will work through
the computer and will give people an option to pay sewer bills
using a credit card.
It was reported that the recent Keystone Training for employees
that cost $960 for one day was very helpful. The annual report
was completed and turned in on time. The town still has a need
to inventory everything the town owns.
The town park will be opened March 14 with no restroom facilities
until the last week of April.
Gravel has been laid in front of the new maintenance building
and all that is needed now is the installation of culverts and
planting grass.
Those attending the meeting were: Angi Farrell, Andy Stratton,
and Paul Hughes. In addition, clerk/treasurer Gretchen Moore,
and deputy clerk Cathie Stratton were in attendance.
The next regular meeting will be April 14 at 7 p.m. in the Holton
Community Center, located on Versailles Street.
