honors DAR student; teacher
Karen Reynolds
Contributing Writer
The South
Ripley Community School board met November 15 at 6:30 p.m. Senior
student Sam Stratton, son of Janine and Mike Stratton of Holton,
was honored for being named DAR Good Citizen. Superintendent
John Mehrle congratulated Stratton and presented him a certificate
of excellence, a pin and a Raider sticker.
Mehrle also took this time to recognize elementary teacher,
Phyllis Hull, a veteran teacher of 28 years, for being named
Ripley County Chamber Educator of the Year. She received a certificate
of recognition and a pin. Plans are underway to have her recognized
at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner on November 18.
Under personnel the following unanimous approvals were given:
Lindsey Seabolt for the positions of Government/Economics/Geography
and Psychology teacher at the high school, effective November
16. Seabolt will be filling the vacancy left by Ed Newmans
Andrew Bayne to serve as a long-term substitute, effective
November 16. He will serve in this capacity until the pending
addition of middle school is included in his Indiana
license. Upon receipt of his license showing this addition,
he will go on contract and be eligible for benefits.
Lindsey Seabolt, senior co-sponsor for the remainder
of the 2010-2011 school year, effective November 16
Mary Scherzinger, academic team advisor for the rest
of the 2010-2011 school year, effective November 16
Melanie Evans, junior high team leader for the rest of
the 2010-2011 school year, effective November 16
Annette Rohaly, a new ROD aide effective November 16.
This position is a student-specific position and if the student
moves from the district, the position will end.
Sue Reuter, corporation bus driver, filling the vacated
position of Barb Shaddays retirement. She will be hired
retroactive to November 1.
Jim Conley, corporation bus driver for the duration of
the FMLA leave of Pauline Doan, December 17 through January
31, 2011.
Under financial news, the following items met with unanimous
Federal grants have all been changed to a reimbursement
method of payment, per the states mandate. This means,
according to business manager, Lana Miller, that the school
will spend funds and then request reimbursement. Miller is concerned
about this arrangement because the State Board of Accounts advises
that funds should not ever be in the red.
Approval of a resolution to transfer $122,500.00 to the
Rainy Day Fund. This fund is used for severance and retirement
obligations for all staff.
Approval for a change order in the amount of $375 from
Sedam Contracting for tees at the baseball field for under drains.
A final 2007 Impact Aide payment was received in the
amount for $20,660.00 on November 2.
A recommendation by Superintendent John Mehrle to approve a
change order from Dave OMara in the amount of $15,404.00
for Area 1, Area 2, and the French drainage system, subject
to cost modifications was approved. The recommendation to approve
a change order for Area 3 was taken under advisement but was
not approved by the school board. Mehrle shared that the monthly
building project bills totaled $8,704.60.
In other news, the following was approved unanimously:
Bus contracts for 2011-2015 will be as follows: Route
5 and 6 goes to Duke Elliott, Route 11 goes to Ron Ebinger,
Route 15 goes to Owen Heaton, Jr., Route 17 and 19 goes to Roger
7th grade field trip to Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
on November 30.
Property, liability, vehicle, and workers compensation
insurance package as presented. The most competitive bid package
totaled $78,717.00 with Indiana Insurance as the carrier.
The South Ripley teachers that are presently insured
with United Health Care Insurance will join the Southeastern
Indiana School Insurance Consortium. The current carrier of
that consortium is Anthem. Renewal for the 2011 health insurance
participants within the Southeastern Indiana School Insurance
Consortium will include a 3% increase. A five-year plan was
developed to bring common rates within the entire consortium.
Business manager, Lana Miller, provided information to the school
board detailing the fact that the electric usage at the high
school since the building project has been complete has been
much less than anticipated.
Those in attendance at this meeting were Robert Garcia, Gil
Landwehr, Keith Mathews, Randy McIntosh, Jim Miller, Ralph Miller,
and Tim Taylor. Also in attendance were Superintendent John
Mehrle and business manager Lana Miller.
The next regularly scheduled school board meeting will be December
20 at 6:30 p.m.
Sam Stratton, right, receives recognition from Superintendent
John Mehrle for being named DAR Good Citizen at the November
meeting of the South Ripley School Board of Trustees.
Also pictured is Ralph Miller, left, school board member.