JCD schools meet AYP standards

Beth Rumsey
Staff Writer

Efforts to improve education for their students are paying off at Jac-Cen-Del schools. The elementary school met their Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) and is no longer a school on watch Superintendent Bill Narwold reported at the regular school board meeting on Wednesday, October 19. Narwold also reported that the entire corporation met AYP as well.

The board approved to place the settlement funds for a bus damaged in a recent accident into the general fund. According to Narwold, the bus will not be replaced due to the bus replacement schedule, which purchases a bus every two years, and already has a bus on order.

The corporation is considering the purchase of another vehicle to be used for conferences, home visits or as an additional vehicle during long field trips.

In personnel, the transfer of Dorthy Huskey from bus driver to instructional aide was unanimously approved; the employment of Debbie Roberts as bus driver was approved 3-0-1, Bill Roberts abstaining; and the employment of Amy Burton as full time instructional aide was unanimously approved.

The board approved the acceptance of $500 from the Osgood Kiwanis Club to make a bench in honor of Donn Snedaker and Judy Hall. The bench will be designed by elementary art teacher Stacy Gray and should be completed by the end of the school year.

All board members were in attendance. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the elementary library.