Bruns Gutzwiller awarded JCD bid

Beth Rumsey
Staff Writer

A special meeting of the Jac-Cen-Del School Board was held to award bids for the building project on Wednesday, August 4. The bids were awarded for the outdoor dining area and the replacement of the chiller, boiler and controls at the elementary.

The board unanimously approved Bruns Gutzwiller, Inc. as general contractor with a bid of $3,226,000; Star Electrical, Inc. as electrical contractor with a bid of $587,594 and HFI, Inc. as mechanical contractor with a bid of $1,269,934.

In personnel, the resignation of Kevin Smith as English teacher at the high school was unanimously accepted. The employment of Kyle Degler for the position was approved.

The employment of Suzanne Wagner, Sarah Kelts, Linda Hunger, Devota Dean, Debbie Carroll and Barb Smith as instructional aides was approved. Cook assistants approved include Sharon Menchhofer, Linda Ploeger, and Jamie Weber.

The recommendation to rehire David Huling as business teacher at the high school on a 2/3 contract for the 2010-2011 school year was unanimously approved.

All board members were in attendance. The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 18 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the JCD Elementary School Library.